Make Your Website a Marketing Tool That Drives Business Growth
Operate at the Speed of Marketing
Whether it's supporting an existing marketing and web team or integrating directly with marketing to be the web team, our processes are designed to integrate with yours in a way that specifically matches your needs.
With Marvel & Snap, you get one point of contact for web development, hosting, and ongoing management. You can scale web operations both up and down to adapt to changing marketing requirements. And you can easily roll out new digital experiences and assets as needed.
A Typical Month With a Marvel & Snap Web Operations Package
Every month, we enable more efficient, ongoing collaboration between marketing and web operations to accelerate development, reduce downtime, and eliminate the worries of ongoing management.

Meet Michelle
Like you, she is a busy marketing manager.
She is constantly adding more things to her team’s to-do list for the website. But her team is small and has a million other things on the go.
Luckily, she found Marvel & Snap! A web operations team that can help her meet the aggressive marketing goals she has set out for her team.
June 1 – 8:05 a.m.
To kick off a busy month, Michelle sends an email to her team and Marvel & Snap Support to set up priorities for a new product launch that will take place in a few weeks. She assigns Sarah to be the project lead.
Time remaining: 20 hours
June 1 – 9:35 a.m.
Marvel & Snap responds to Michelle's email to let everyone know that a card has been created on Trello, the collaborative dashboard, to track the different tasks and due dates for a successful launch. All team members are invited to collaborate. Marvel & Snap has also created a new Slack channel to allow for quicker conversations.
Time remaining: 20 hours
June 5 – 2:00 p.m.
As the week progresses, Sarah creates a variety of tasks in Trello and sets priorities, while Marvel & Snap assigns each task to members of the team.
Time remaining: 19.5 hours
June 8 – 10:30 a.m.
A team meeting kicks off the week. Meanwhile, Marvel & Snap creates a new development environment, develops new landing and product pages, updates banners across the site, and creates a new email campaign.
Time remaining: 19.25 hours
June 9 – 12:30 p.m.
Sarah receives an email from Marvel & Snap with the first draft of the email campaign attached.
She reviews it and makes a few content updates. She quickly sends a Slack message to Marvel & Snap with the changes. Within a few minutes, those changes have been made and a new email arrives in Sarah's inbox for review.
Everything looks good. The email is ready to go!
Time remaining: 18.75 hours
June 11 – 9:45 a.m.
The Marvel & Snap team puts the finishing touches on the site updates. As part of its quality assurance process, it scans the new pages for page speed performance, mobile usability issues, and accessibility compliance (WCAG).
Marvel & Snap messages the team through Slack with links to the new development environment where the changes can be approved before pushing them live.
Sarah circulates the site internally for review.
Michelle makes a few content updates on one page and design updates on another. Her team can easily log in and make the content changes directly and tasks Marvel & Snap with the design updates.
Time remaining: 15 hours
June 17 – 3:30 p.m.
After a few more rounds of changes, Michelle gives a thumbs-up! She asks Sarah if Marvel & Snap can launch the new landing page and send the email campaign on Monday at 9:00 a.m. to coincide with the news release and the start of a trade show the company is attending.
Time remaining: 6 hours
June 22 – 9:00 a.m.
Marvel & Snap takes a backup of the live site and starts deployment. Within minutes, the site changes are live, and the team is notified through Slack.
Sarah hits send on the email campaign.
Marvel & Snap monitors the site for any issues. Everything looks great!
Time remaining: 3 hours
June 29 – 9:00 a.m.
As part of Marvel & Snap's service, Michelle and Sarah receive their weekly analytics snapshot. They are quickly able to see the increase in traffic from the product launch, as well as the performance metrics on their email campaign and social media.
It was a success!
Time remaining: 2 hours
July 1 – 9:00 a.m.
Michelle receives a detailed timesheet from Marvel & Snap that shows where hours were applied on June's activities.
Not all of Michelle's hours with Marvel & Snap were used, but Michelle is happy to see those hours get rolled over to the next month.
Time remaining in July: 2 hours
Built by
Expert, Cross-Platform Developers
Our team includes build, launch, and development experts for everything from one-page sites, campaign-specific landing pages, and complex multi-page websites to web applications that support the most demanding and dynamic digital marketing strategies.
Whether it's a WordPress, Shopify, or custom website, our development team ensures your website is built with scalability and flexibility in mind so it can meet your marketing needs today and tomorrow.
Powered by
an Industry-Leading Hosting Platform
Our high-performance hosting services are built on Pantheon's best-in-class, enterprise-grade, secure infrastructure that boasts load times as low as one-tenth of a second and 99.99% uptime.
As a Pantheon partner, we leverage this reliability to provide hosting solutions structured to meet your unique requirements.
Pantheon's trusted and proven hosting platform eliminates the need for ongoing research, assessment, procurement, purchasing, and cost management, so you never have to worry about hosting again.
Backed by
Proactive Management
Our proactive web management services enable highly agile, ongoing, iterative development, enhancement, and optimization that ensure all your digital assets are running smoothly, and that optimal performance is maintained at all times.
More responsive, iterative development makes it easier for you to create and enhance digital marketing experiences with everything from minor design and content adjustments to new pages, targeted microsites, or complete overhauls.

Get worry-free web operations
Develop, launch, manage, and iterate digital marketing assets faster. And bring advanced digital experiences to your audience more quickly and efficiently.
Let's talk